As On :
Sunday, 23 February 2025
Total Page Views : 1 Name | DARAB BOMANJI DUBASH |
Total Companies | 22 |
First Appointment Date | Monday, 06 April 1959 |
Last Resigned Date | |
Social Links | |
DARAB BOMANJI DUBASH was appointed on Thursday, 02 January 1969 with DARABSHAW B.CURSETJEE'S SONS (BOMBAY) PRIVATE LIMITED - MUMBAI - Total Tenure of 56 Year(s), 1 month(s), 21 day(s), and also appointed on Monday, 20 January 1969 with MANEKJI AND JAMSHEDJI CO PRIVATE LIMITED - MUMBAI - Total Tenure of 56 Year(s), 1 month(s), 3 day(s), and also appointed on Sunday, 06 April 1969 with THE OCEANIC SHIPPING AGENCY PRIVATE LIMITED - MUMBAI - Total Tenure of 55 Year(s), 10 month(s), 17 day(s), and also appointed on Monday, 18 May 1970 with DARAB DUBASH CONSULTANTS PRIVATE LIMITED - MUMBAI - Total Tenure of 54 Year(s), 9 month(s), 5 day(s), and also appointed on Tuesday, 07 January 1975 with RUSHILLA INVESTMENT PRIVATE LIMITED - MUMBAI - Total Tenure of 50 Year(s), 1 month(s), 16 day(s), and also appointed on Thursday, 21 October 1976 with DARABSHAW B. CURSETJEE'S SONS INVESTMENTS PRIVATE LIMITED - MUMBAI - Total Tenure of 48 Year(s), 4 month(s), 2 day(s), and also appointed on Thursday, 02 March 1978 with MARINE TRANSPORT COMPANY PRIVATE LIMITED - MUMBAI - Total Tenure of 46 Year(s), 11 month(s), 21 day(s), and also appointed on Wednesday, 30 August 1978 with DARABSHAW B.CURSEIJEE'S SONS SHIPPING COMPANY LIMITED - MUMBAI - Total Tenure of 46 Year(s), 5 month(s), 24 day(s), and also appointed on Monday, 27 October 1980 with DOLPHIN CHARTERING SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED - MUMBAI - Total Tenure of 44 Year(s), 3 month(s), 27 day(s), and also appointed on Wednesday, 19 August 1981 with BALLARD FINCAP ADVISORS PRIVATE LIMITED - MUMBAI - Total Tenure of 43 Year(s), 6 month(s), 4 day(s), and also appointed on Tuesday, 02 November 1982 with PULCRA CHEMICALS INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED - MUMBAI - Total Tenure of 42 Year(s), 3 month(s), 21 day(s), and also appointed on Monday, 06 December 1982 with J F KAPADIA AND COMPANY PVT LTD - MUMBAI - Total Tenure of 42 Year(s), 2 month(s), 17 day(s), and also appointed on Saturday, 01 June 1985 with AHURA CHEMICAL PRODUCTS PRIVATE LIMITED - MUMBAI - Total Tenure of 39 Year(s), 8 month(s), 22 day(s), and also appointed on Wednesday, 11 December 1985 with TRANS IMPEX PVT LTD - MUMBAI - Total Tenure of 39 Year(s), 2 month(s), 12 day(s), and also appointed on Wednesday, 12 August 1992 with TRIPLE A POINT HOTELS AND RESORTS LIMITED - MUMBAI - Total Tenure of 32 Year(s), 6 month(s), 11 day(s), and also appointed on Thursday, 03 June 1993 with SHATA TRADINGS AND FINANCE PVT LTD - MUMBAI - Total Tenure of 31 Year(s), 8 month(s), 20 day(s), and also appointed on Thursday, 03 June 1993 with SHILAWATI TRADING AND FINANCE PRIVATE LIMITED - MUMBAI - Total Tenure of 31 Year(s), 8 month(s), 20 day(s), and also appointed on Tuesday, 07 March 2000 with WESTERN MILLENNIUM INVESTMENT AND TRADING PRIVATE LIMITED - MUMBAI - Total Tenure of 24 Year(s), 11 month(s), 16 day(s), and also appointed on Saturday, 20 April 2002 with TRANSPOLAR LOGISTICS (INDIA) PRIVATE LIMITED - MUMBAI - Total Tenure of 22 Year(s), 10 month(s), 3 day(s), and also appointed on Tuesday, 02 December 2003 with BENREEZA ESTATES AND INVESTMENTS PRIVATE LIMITED - MUMBAI - Total Tenure of 21 Year(s), 2 month(s), 21 day(s), and also appointed on Tuesday, 19 May 2015 with TRANS IMPEX LLP - MUMBAI - Total Tenure of 9 Year(s), 9 month(s), 4 day(s), and also appointed on Tuesday, 01 September 2015 with BALLARD FINCAP ADVISORS LLP - MUMBAI - Total Tenure of 9 Year(s), 5 month(s), 22 day(s)
Rank | Logo | CIN | Company Name | City | Appointed Date | Resign Date | Date of Incorporation | Status |
43762 | | U99999MH1969PTC014178 | DARABSHAW B.CURSETJEE'S SONS (BOMBAY) PRIVATE LIMITED | MUMBAI | Thursday, 02 January 1969 | | Thursday, 02 January 1969 | |
569241 | | U99999MH1968PTC014097 | MANEKJI AND JAMSHEDJI CO PRIVATE LIMITED | MUMBAI | Monday, 20 January 1969 | | Thursday, 19 September 1968 | |
513003 | | U35110MH1964PTC012940 | THE OCEANIC SHIPPING AGENCY PRIVATE LIMITED | MUMBAI | Sunday, 06 April 1969 | | Tuesday, 16 June 1964 | |
191320 | | U93000MH1970PTC014642 | DARAB DUBASH CONSULTANTS PRIVATE LIMITED | MUMBAI | Monday, 18 May 1970 | | Monday, 18 May 1970 | |
92803 | | U67120MH1974PTC017976 | RUSHILLA INVESTMENT PRIVATE LIMITED | MUMBAI | Tuesday, 07 January 1975 | | Wednesday, 11 December 1974 | |
114174 | | U67120MH1976PTC019286 | DARABSHAW B. CURSETJEE'S SONS INVESTMENTS PRIVATE LIMITED | MUMBAI | Thursday, 21 October 1976 | | Thursday, 21 October 1976 | |
412009 | | U99999MH1948PTC004299 | MARINE TRANSPORT COMPANY PRIVATE LIMITED | MUMBAI | Thursday, 02 March 1978 | | Wednesday, 22 December 1948 | |
632806 | | U31506MH1978PLC020612 | DARABSHAW B.CURSEIJEE'S SONS SHIPPING COMPANY LIMITED | MUMBAI | Wednesday, 30 August 1978 | | Wednesday, 30 August 1978 | |
430452 | | U61100MH1980PTC023351 | DOLPHIN CHARTERING SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED | MUMBAI | Monday, 27 October 1980 | | Monday, 27 October 1980 | |
662228 | | U93090MH1981PTC025028 | BALLARD FINCAP ADVISORS PRIVATE LIMITED | MUMBAI | Wednesday, 19 August 1981 | | Wednesday, 19 August 1981 | |
91098 | | U28124MH1982PTC028604 | PULCRA CHEMICALS INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED | MUMBAI | Tuesday, 02 November 1982 | | Tuesday, 02 November 1982 | |
342109 | | U63040MH1982PTC027463 | J F KAPADIA AND COMPANY PVT LTD | MUMBAI | Monday, 06 December 1982 | | Thursday, 17 June 1982 | |
113312 | | U24110MH1950PTC008044 | AHURA CHEMICAL PRODUCTS PRIVATE LIMITED | MUMBAI | Saturday, 01 June 1985 | | Saturday, 01 April 1950 | |
729560 | | U51900MH1985PTC038293 | TRANS IMPEX PVT LTD | MUMBAI | Wednesday, 11 December 1985 | | Wednesday, 11 December 1985 | |
460495 | | U65990MH1986PLC041264 | TRIPLE A POINT HOTELS AND RESORTS LIMITED | MUMBAI | Wednesday, 12 August 1992 | | Thursday, 16 October 1986 | |
767886 | | U51900MH1993PTC072179 | SHATA TRADINGS AND FINANCE PVT LTD | MUMBAI | Thursday, 03 June 1993 | | Thursday, 27 May 1993 | |
759693 | | U51900MH1992PTC070184 | SHILAWATI TRADING AND FINANCE PRIVATE LIMITED | MUMBAI | Thursday, 03 June 1993 | | Monday, 28 December 1992 | |
874194 | | U51100MH2000PTC124220 | WESTERN MILLENNIUM INVESTMENT AND TRADING PRIVATE LIMITED | MUMBAI | Tuesday, 07 March 2000 | | Monday, 14 February 2000 | |
1067362 | | U63090MH2002PTC135489 | TRANSPOLAR LOGISTICS (INDIA) PRIVATE LIMITED | MUMBAI | Saturday, 20 April 2002 | | Thursday, 11 April 2002 | |
15615 | | U45200MH1988PTC049184 | BENREEZA ESTATES AND INVESTMENTS PRIVATE LIMITED | MUMBAI | Tuesday, 02 December 2003 | | Wednesday, 12 October 1988 | |
Suit Filed accounts of Rs. 25 Lacs and above Total Suit Filed : 0
# | Category | Bank / FI | Branch | Outstanding Amount In Lacs | Asset Classification | Date Of Classification | Suit |
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