As On :
Sunday, 23 February 2025
Total Companies | 29 |
First Appointment Date | Monday, 26 August 1991 |
Last Resigned Date | |
Social Links | |
KURUVILLA JOSEPH KELACHANDRA was appointed on Monday, 26 August 1991 with KINGSWAY RUBBER PRODUCTS PRIVATE LIMITED - BANGALORE - Total Tenure of 33 Year(s), 5 month(s), 28 day(s), and also appointed on Thursday, 18 June 1992 with KELACHANDRA LOGISTICS PRIVATE LIMITED - BANGALORE - Total Tenure of 32 Year(s), 8 month(s), 5 day(s), and also appointed on Tuesday, 25 October 1994 with KELACHANDRA LEASINGANDFINANCE LIMITED - BANGALORE - Total Tenure of 30 Year(s), 3 month(s), 29 day(s), and also appointed on Wednesday, 29 March 1995 with THE KUTTANAD RUBBER CO LTD - ERNAKULAM - Total Tenure of 29 Year(s), 10 month(s), 25 day(s), and also appointed on Thursday, 31 August 1995 with D M ESTATES PRIVATE LIMITED - BANGALORE - Total Tenure of 29 Year(s), 5 month(s), 23 day(s), and also appointed on Wednesday, 20 September 1995 with KINGSWAY PROJECTS PRIVATE LIMITED - BANGALORE - Total Tenure of 29 Year(s), 5 month(s), 3 day(s), and also appointed on Friday, 17 November 2000 with GOLFLINKS SOFTWARE PARK PRIVATE LIMITED - BANGALORE - Total Tenure of 24 Year(s), 3 month(s), 6 day(s), and also appointed on Monday, 23 September 2002 with KINGSWAY TRAVEL AGENCIES PRIVATE LIMITED - BANGALORE - Total Tenure of 22 Year(s), 5 month(s), 0 day(s), and also appointed on Thursday, 08 July 2004 with WILDFLOWER ESTATE AND RESORTS PRIVATE LIMITED - BANGALORE - Total Tenure of 20 Year(s), 7 month(s), 15 day(s), and also appointed on Friday, 05 November 2004 with GOLF LINK-EMBASSY BUSINESS PARK MANAGEMENT SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED - BANGALORE - Total Tenure of 20 Year(s), 3 month(s), 18 day(s), and also appointed on Thursday, 06 September 2007 with HAMPI INDUSTRRY LIMITED - BANGALORE - Total Tenure of 17 Year(s), 5 month(s), 17 day(s), and also appointed on Wednesday, 30 January 2008 with G.V PROPERTIES PRIVATE LIMITED - BANGALORE - Total Tenure of 17 Year(s), 0 month(s), 24 day(s), and also appointed on Wednesday, 30 January 2008 with FIRST HARMONY DEVELOPERS (INDIA) PRIVATE LIMITED - BANGALORE - Total Tenure of 17 Year(s), 0 month(s), 24 day(s), and also appointed on Thursday, 12 March 2009 with XINDIA CONSTRUCTIONS LIMITED - BANGALORE - Total Tenure of 15 Year(s), 11 month(s), 11 day(s), and also appointed on Friday, 17 September 2010 with TUNGABHADRA BENEFICIATION LIMITED - BANGALORE - Total Tenure of 14 Year(s), 5 month(s), 6 day(s), and also appointed on Wednesday, 22 September 2010 with XINDIA INTERNATIONAL CEMENTS LIMITED - BANGALORE - Total Tenure of 14 Year(s), 5 month(s), 1 day(s), and also appointed on Monday, 26 September 2011 with ORIGIN COFFEE PRIVATE LIMITED - BANGALORE - Total Tenure of 13 Year(s), 4 month(s), 27 day(s), and also appointed on Monday, 01 April 2013 with GOLFLINKS PROPERTIES PRIVATE LIMITED - BANGALORE - Total Tenure of 11 Year(s), 10 month(s), 22 day(s), and also appointed on Thursday, 04 February 2016 with UNITED COFFEE CURING WORKS PRIVATE LIMITED - BANGALORE - Total Tenure of 9 Year(s), 0 month(s), 19 day(s), and also appointed on Wednesday, 23 March 2016 with UMBEL PROPERTIES PRIVATE LIMITED - BANGALORE - Total Tenure of 8 Year(s), 11 month(s), 0 day(s), and also appointed on Wednesday, 08 March 2017 with KELACHANDRA HOLDINGS LLP - BANGALORE - Total Tenure of 7 Year(s), 11 month(s), 15 day(s), and also appointed on Tuesday, 02 May 2017 with KELACHANDRA AGROTECH LLP - BANGALORE - Total Tenure of 7 Year(s), 9 month(s), 21 day(s), and also appointed on Thursday, 25 May 2017 with KELACHANDRA MANASARA AGROTECH LLP - BANGALORE - Total Tenure of 7 Year(s), 8 month(s), 29 day(s), and also appointed on Monday, 26 November 2018 with KELACHANDRA PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SERVICES LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP - BANGALORE - Total Tenure of 6 Year(s), 2 month(s), 27 day(s), and also appointed on Friday, 29 March 2019 with KELACHANDRA FACILITY MANAGEMENT LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP - BANGALORE - Total Tenure of 5 Year(s), 10 month(s), 25 day(s), and also appointed on Wednesday, 17 June 2020 with KINGSTON GREENSCAPE LLP - BANGALORE - Total Tenure of 4 Year(s), 8 month(s), 6 day(s), and also appointed on Thursday, 07 December 2023 with KELACHANDRA HOSPITALITY LLP - BANGALORE and resigned on Monday, 01 January 1900. - Total Tenure of 123 Year(s), 11 month(s), 6 day(s), and also appointed on Wednesday, 13 December 2023 with KELACHANDRA COMMODITIES LLP - BANGALORE and resigned on Monday, 01 January 1900. - Total Tenure of 123 Year(s), 11 month(s), 12 day(s), and also appointed on Friday, 10 May 2024 with KJK CORP LLP - Bangalore and resigned on Monday, 01 January 1900. - Total Tenure of 124 Year(s), 4 month(s), 9 day(s)
Rank | Logo | CIN | Company Name | City | Appointed Date | Resign Date | Date of Incorporation | Status |
273326 | | U25199KA1991PTC012257 | KINGSWAY RUBBER PRODUCTS PRIVATE LIMITED | BANGALORE | Monday, 26 August 1991 | | Monday, 26 August 1991 | |
93610 | | U60231KA1984PTC006006 | KELACHANDRA LOGISTICS PRIVATE LIMITED | BANGALORE | Thursday, 18 June 1992 | | Friday, 06 April 1984 | |
179775 | | U85110KA1994PLC016453 | KELACHANDRA LEASINGANDFINANCE LIMITED | BANGALORE | Tuesday, 25 October 1994 | | Tuesday, 25 October 1994 | |
299758 | | U25191KL1910PLC000516 | THE KUTTANAD RUBBER CO LTD | ERNAKULAM | Wednesday, 29 March 1995 | | Wednesday, 02 November 1910 | |
600795 | | U85110KA1995PTC018594 | D M ESTATES PRIVATE LIMITED | BANGALORE | Thursday, 31 August 1995 | | Monday, 21 August 1995 | |
201873 | | U02922KA1995PTC018795 | KINGSWAY PROJECTS PRIVATE LIMITED | BANGALORE | Wednesday, 20 September 1995 | | Wednesday, 20 September 1995 | |
48370 | | U45309KA2000PTC028147 | GOLFLINKS SOFTWARE PARK PRIVATE LIMITED | BANGALORE | Friday, 17 November 2000 | | Friday, 17 November 2000 | |
1084683 | | U63090KA2002PTC031031 | KINGSWAY TRAVEL AGENCIES PRIVATE LIMITED | BANGALORE | Monday, 23 September 2002 | | Monday, 23 September 2002 | |
1145022 | | U51102KA2004PTC034295 | WILDFLOWER ESTATE AND RESORTS PRIVATE LIMITED | BANGALORE | Thursday, 08 July 2004 | | Thursday, 08 July 2004 | |
799900 | | U85110KA1994PTC016281 | GOLF LINK-EMBASSY BUSINESS PARK MANAGEMENT SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED | BANGALORE | Friday, 05 November 2004 | | Tuesday, 20 September 1994 | |
1059509 | | U85110KA1996PLC021030 | HAMPI INDUSTRRY LIMITED | BANGALORE | Thursday, 06 September 2007 | | Friday, 23 August 1996 | |
1235633 | | U45201KA2007PTC041384 | G.V PROPERTIES PRIVATE LIMITED | BANGALORE | Wednesday, 30 January 2008 | | Thursday, 04 January 2007 | |
1504008 | | U45201KA2007PTC041445 | FIRST HARMONY DEVELOPERS (INDIA) PRIVATE LIMITED | BANGALORE | Wednesday, 30 January 2008 | | Wednesday, 10 January 2007 | |
1651263 | | U45201KA2009PLC049358 | XINDIA CONSTRUCTIONS LIMITED | BANGALORE | Thursday, 12 March 2009 | | Thursday, 12 March 2009 | |
21229 | | U01100KA2010PLC055188 | TUNGABHADRA BENEFICIATION LIMITED | BANGALORE | Friday, 17 September 2010 | | Friday, 17 September 2010 | |
1784306 | | U26940KA2010PLC055251 | XINDIA INTERNATIONAL CEMENTS LIMITED | BANGALORE | Wednesday, 22 September 2010 | | Wednesday, 22 September 2010 | |
56006 | | U15492KA2011PTC060584 | ORIGIN COFFEE PRIVATE LIMITED | BANGALORE | Monday, 26 September 2011 | | Monday, 26 September 2011 | |
98320 | | U45200KA2009PTC051005 | GOLFLINKS PROPERTIES PRIVATE LIMITED | BANGALORE | Monday, 01 April 2013 | | Wednesday, 23 September 2009 | |
253096 | | U45209KA1999ULT025778 | UNITED COFFEE CURING WORKS PRIVATE LIMITED | BANGALORE | Thursday, 04 February 2016 | | Wednesday, 29 September 1999 | |
2570 | | U85110KA1994PTC016609 | UMBEL PROPERTIES PRIVATE LIMITED | BANGALORE | Wednesday, 23 March 2016 | | Thursday, 24 November 1994 | |
Suit Filed accounts of Rs. 25 Lacs and above Total Suit Filed : 0
# | Category | Bank / FI | Branch | Outstanding Amount In Lacs | Asset Classification | Date Of Classification | Suit |
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