As On :
Tuesday, 01 April 2025
Total Page Views : 4 Name | NIMISH HASMUKH BHAI CHUDGAR |
Total Companies | 22 |
First Appointment Date | Friday, 31 May 1985 |
Last Resigned Date | Tuesday, 06 May 1997 |
Social Links | |
NIMISH HASMUKH BHAI CHUDGAR was appointed on Friday, 31 May 1985 with INTAS PHARMACEUTICALS LIMITED - AHMEDABAD - Total Tenure of 39 Year(s), 10 month(s), 1 day(s), and also appointed on Monday, 01 August 1994 with EQUATORIAL PRIVATE LIMITED - AHMEDABAD - Total Tenure of 30 Year(s), 8 month(s), 0 day(s), and also appointed on Monday, 24 October 1994 with INTAS ENTERPRISE PRIVATE LIMITED - AHMEDABAD - Total Tenure of 30 Year(s), 5 month(s), 8 day(s), and also appointed on Tuesday, 06 May 1997 with ADVANCED TRANSFUSION MEDICINE RESEARCH FOUNDATION - AHMEDABAD and resigned on Tuesday, 06 May 1997. - Total Tenure of 0 Year(s), 0 month(s), 0 day(s), and also appointed on Wednesday, 16 December 1998 with PRIME PAEDIATRICS PRIVATE LIMITED - AHMEDABAD - Total Tenure of 26 Year(s), 3 month(s), 16 day(s), and also appointed on Monday, 27 November 2000 with INDUS BIOTHERAPEUTICS LIMITED - AHMEDABAD - Total Tenure of 24 Year(s), 4 month(s), 4 day(s), and also appointed on Saturday, 24 February 2001 with ANDRE LABORATORIES LIMITED - AHMEDABAD - Total Tenure of 24 Year(s), 1 month(s), 5 day(s), and also appointed on Tuesday, 15 May 2001 with ASTRON RESEARCH LIMITED - AHMEDABAD - Total Tenure of 23 Year(s), 10 month(s), 17 day(s), and also appointed on Tuesday, 03 July 2001 with ASTRON PACKAGING LIMITED - AHMEDABAD - Total Tenure of 23 Year(s), 8 month(s), 29 day(s), and also appointed on Tuesday, 03 July 2001 with HAPPY POLY-PLAST PRIVATE LIMITED - AHMEDABAD - Total Tenure of 23 Year(s), 8 month(s), 29 day(s), and also appointed on Monday, 02 December 2002 with INTAS PHARMA LIMITED. - AHMEDABAD - Total Tenure of 22 Year(s), 3 month(s), 30 day(s), and also appointed on Monday, 20 January 2003 with ACCORD HEALTHCARE LIMITED - AHMEDABAD - Total Tenure of 22 Year(s), 2 month(s), 12 day(s), and also appointed on Monday, 16 January 2006 with INTAS BIOPHARMACEUTICALS LIMITED - AHMEDABAD - Total Tenure of 19 Year(s), 2 month(s), 16 day(s), and also appointed on Wednesday, 07 July 2010 with INTAS MEDI DEVICES LIMITED - AHMEDABAD - Total Tenure of 14 Year(s), 8 month(s), 25 day(s), and also appointed on Thursday, 15 September 2011 with CYTAS RESEARCH LIMITED - AHMEDABAD - Total Tenure of 13 Year(s), 6 month(s), 16 day(s), and also appointed on Thursday, 15 September 2011 with ONCOLOGY SERVICES INDIA LIMITED - AHMEDABAD - Total Tenure of 13 Year(s), 6 month(s), 16 day(s), and also appointed on Tuesday, 27 September 2011 with CELESTIAL BIOLOGICALS LIMITED - AHMEDABAD - Total Tenure of 13 Year(s), 6 month(s), 4 day(s), and also appointed on Thursday, 18 October 2012 with ARRON FRESH PRIVATE LIMITED - AHMEDABAD - Total Tenure of 12 Year(s), 5 month(s), 14 day(s), and also appointed on Tuesday, 12 February 2013 with ALVI-INTAS MEDICAL DEVICES PRIVATE LIMITED - AHMEDABAD - Total Tenure of 12 Year(s), 1 month(s), 17 day(s), and also appointed on Friday, 22 August 2014 with OCCURA EYECARE PRIVATE LIMITED - AHMEDABAD - Total Tenure of 10 Year(s), 7 month(s), 10 day(s), and also appointed on Thursday, 07 May 2015 with INTAS LIFESCIENCES PRIVATE LIMITED - AHMEDABAD - Total Tenure of 9 Year(s), 10 month(s), 25 day(s), and also appointed on Friday, 01 November 2019 with SM HERBALS PRIVATE LIMITED - AHMEDABAD - Total Tenure of 5 Year(s), 5 month(s), 0 day(s)
Rank | Logo | CIN | Company Name | City | Appointed Date | Resign Date | Date of Incorporation | Status |
4302 | | U24231GJ1985PLC007866 | INTAS PHARMACEUTICALS LIMITED | AHMEDABAD | Friday, 31 May 1985 | | Friday, 31 May 1985 | |
425519 | | U51909GJ1955PTC000577 | EQUATORIAL PRIVATE LIMITED | AHMEDABAD | Monday, 01 August 1994 | | Tuesday, 15 March 1955 | |
968845 | | U65910GJ1994PTC023392 | INTAS ENTERPRISE PRIVATE LIMITED | AHMEDABAD | Monday, 24 October 1994 | | Monday, 24 October 1994 | |
95252 | | U19129GJ1997NPL032264 | ADVANCED TRANSFUSION MEDICINE RESEARCH FOUNDATION | AHMEDABAD | Tuesday, 06 May 1997 | Tuesday, 06 May 1997 | Tuesday, 06 May 1997 | |
1141622 | | U24229GJ1998PTC035149 | PRIME PAEDIATRICS PRIVATE LIMITED | AHMEDABAD | Wednesday, 16 December 1998 | | Wednesday, 16 December 1998 | |
1215372 | | U73100GJ2000PLC038979 | INDUS BIOTHERAPEUTICS LIMITED | AHMEDABAD | Monday, 27 November 2000 | | Monday, 27 November 2000 | |
602393 | | U24231GJ1973PLC040442 | ANDRE LABORATORIES LIMITED | AHMEDABAD | Saturday, 24 February 2001 | | Wednesday, 12 December 1973 | |
895703 | | U24231GJ2001PLC039545 | ASTRON RESEARCH LIMITED | AHMEDABAD | Tuesday, 15 May 2001 | | Tuesday, 15 May 2001 | |
81362 | | U21029GJ2001PLC039733 | ASTRON PACKAGING LIMITED | AHMEDABAD | Tuesday, 03 July 2001 | | Tuesday, 03 July 2001 | |
1010531 | | U21029GJ2001PTC039245 | HAPPY POLY-PLAST PRIVATE LIMITED | AHMEDABAD | Tuesday, 03 July 2001 | | Thursday, 08 February 2001 | |
1188477 | | U24231GJ2000PLC037582 | INTAS PHARMA LIMITED. | AHMEDABAD | Monday, 02 December 2002 | | Tuesday, 21 March 2000 | |
48597 | | U24231GJ2003PLC041866 | ACCORD HEALTHCARE LIMITED | AHMEDABAD | Monday, 20 January 2003 | | Monday, 20 January 2003 | |
1372235 | | U24230GJ2005PLC047111 | INTAS BIOPHARMACEUTICALS LIMITED | AHMEDABAD | Monday, 16 January 2006 | | Wednesday, 23 November 2005 | |
1760796 | | U33110GJ2010PLC061475 | INTAS MEDI DEVICES LIMITED | AHMEDABAD | Wednesday, 07 July 2010 | | Wednesday, 07 July 2010 | |
1323758 | | U73100GJ2003PLC042948 | CYTAS RESEARCH LIMITED | AHMEDABAD | Thursday, 15 September 2011 | | Monday, 22 September 2003 | |
651327 | | U73100GJ2008PLC054736 | ONCOLOGY SERVICES INDIA LIMITED | AHMEDABAD | Thursday, 15 September 2011 | | Monday, 11 August 2008 | |
1192903 | | U24240GJ2000PLC037850 | CELESTIAL BIOLOGICALS LIMITED | AHMEDABAD | Tuesday, 27 September 2011 | | Tuesday, 25 April 2000 | |
1505506 | | U52202GJ2012PTC072362 | ARRON FRESH PRIVATE LIMITED | AHMEDABAD | Thursday, 18 October 2012 | | Thursday, 18 October 2012 | |
2080415 | | U33110GJ2013PTC073537 | ALVI-INTAS MEDICAL DEVICES PRIVATE LIMITED | AHMEDABAD | Tuesday, 12 February 2013 | | Tuesday, 12 February 2013 | |
1653132 | | U85110GJ2014PTC080551 | OCCURA EYECARE PRIVATE LIMITED | AHMEDABAD | Friday, 22 August 2014 | | Friday, 22 August 2014 | |
Suit Filed accounts of Rs. 25 Lacs and above Total Suit Filed : 0
# | Category | Bank / FI | Branch | Outstanding Amount In Lacs | Asset Classification | Date Of Classification | Suit |
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