As On :
Wednesday, 26 March 2025
Total Page Views : 20 Name | PRIYA SHANKAR DASGUPTA |
Total Companies | 23 |
First Appointment Date | Thursday, 23 October 1986 |
Last Resigned Date | |
Social Links | |
PRIYA SHANKAR DASGUPTA was appointed on Thursday, 23 October 1986 with INTERSTAR FINANCIAL SERVICES LIMITED. - DELHI - Total Tenure of 38 Year(s), 5 month(s), 3 day(s), and also appointed on Monday, 09 February 1998 with DAS GUPTA CONSULTING PRIVATE LIMITED - DELHI - Total Tenure of 27 Year(s), 1 month(s), 17 day(s), and also appointed on Thursday, 26 February 1998 with CUMMINS INDIA LIMITED - PUNE - Total Tenure of 27 Year(s), 1 month(s), 0 day(s), and also appointed on Wednesday, 14 July 1999 with INTERSTAR EDU- SERVE PRIVATE LIMITED - DELHI - Total Tenure of 25 Year(s), 8 month(s), 12 day(s), and also appointed on Thursday, 12 April 2001 with OTIS ELEVATOR CO (INDIA)LTD - MUMBAI - Total Tenure of 23 Year(s), 11 month(s), 14 day(s), and also appointed on Thursday, 18 September 2003 with HUNTER DOUGLAS WINDOW FASHIONS INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED - DELHI - Total Tenure of 21 Year(s), 6 month(s), 8 day(s), and also appointed on Thursday, 30 October 2003 with CUMMINS AUTO SERVICES LIMITED - PUNE - Total Tenure of 21 Year(s), 4 month(s), 27 day(s), and also appointed on Tuesday, 28 September 2004 with MARAL OVERSEAS LIMITED - GWALIOR - Total Tenure of 20 Year(s), 5 month(s), 28 day(s), and also appointed on Friday, 28 April 2006 with TIMKEN INDIA LIMITED - BANGALORE - Total Tenure of 18 Year(s), 10 month(s), 28 day(s), and also appointed on Tuesday, 09 May 2006 with UNITED BIOFUELS INDIA BIODIESEL PRIVATE LIMITED - DELHI - Total Tenure of 18 Year(s), 10 month(s), 17 day(s), and also appointed on Tuesday, 27 June 2006 with SNAP-ON TOOLS PRIVATE LIMITED - DELHI - Total Tenure of 18 Year(s), 8 month(s), 29 day(s), and also appointed on Monday, 13 October 2008 with SHUGAN CHANDRA KOTHARI EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION - DELHI - Total Tenure of 16 Year(s), 5 month(s), 13 day(s), and also appointed on Monday, 15 June 2009 with NDLO BUSINESS CONSULTING PRIVATE LIMITED - DELHI - Total Tenure of 15 Year(s), 9 month(s), 11 day(s), and also appointed on Monday, 14 February 2011 with ESTER INDUSTRIES LIMITED - UTTARAKHAND - Total Tenure of 14 Year(s), 1 month(s), 12 day(s), and also appointed on Wednesday, 24 July 2013 with RSWM LIMITED - JAIPUR - Total Tenure of 11 Year(s), 8 month(s), 2 day(s), and also appointed on Thursday, 02 January 2014 with NDLO CONSULTING PRIVATE LIMITED - DELHI - Total Tenure of 11 Year(s), 2 month(s), 24 day(s), and also appointed on Friday, 01 August 2014 with SARVPRATHAM SHIKSHA FOUNDATION - DELHI - Total Tenure of 10 Year(s), 7 month(s), 25 day(s), and also appointed on Monday, 25 August 2014 with NDLO SECRETARIAL SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED - DELHI - Total Tenure of 10 Year(s), 7 month(s), 1 day(s), and also appointed on Wednesday, 03 January 2018 with SSSA FAMILY PRIVATE LIMITED - DELHI - Total Tenure of 7 Year(s), 2 month(s), 23 day(s), and also appointed on Monday, 30 November 2020 with ASIA LAW OFFICES LLP - DELHI - Total Tenure of 4 Year(s), 3 month(s), 26 day(s), and also appointed on Saturday, 25 September 2021 with NEW DELHI CORPORATE CONSULTING LLP - DELHI - Total Tenure of 3 Year(s), 6 month(s), 1 day(s), and also appointed on Friday, 08 October 2021 with ALO ADVISORY LLP - DELHI - Total Tenure of 3 Year(s), 5 month(s), 18 day(s), and also appointed on Sunday, 21 November 2021 with VINDHYA TELELINKS LIMITED - GWALIOR - Total Tenure of 3 Year(s), 4 month(s), 5 day(s)
Rank | Logo | CIN | Company Name | City | Appointed Date | Resign Date | Date of Incorporation | Status |
83848 | | U74120DL1986PLC025842 | INTERSTAR FINANCIAL SERVICES LIMITED. | DELHI | Thursday, 23 October 1986 | | Thursday, 23 October 1986 | |
274427 | | U74140DL1998PTC092156 | DAS GUPTA CONSULTING PRIVATE LIMITED | DELHI | Monday, 09 February 1998 | | Monday, 09 February 1998 | |
226 | | L29112PN1962PLC012276 | CUMMINS INDIA LIMITED | PUNE | Thursday, 26 February 1998 | | Saturday, 17 February 1962 | |
591931 | | U45202DL1999PTC100677 | INTERSTAR EDU- SERVE PRIVATE LIMITED | DELHI | Wednesday, 14 July 1999 | | Wednesday, 14 July 1999 | |
1451 | | U29150MH1953PLC009158 | OTIS ELEVATOR CO (INDIA)LTD | MUMBAI | Thursday, 12 April 2001 | | Friday, 30 October 1953 | |
962701 | | U74899DL1994PTC061851 | HUNTER DOUGLAS WINDOW FASHIONS INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED | DELHI | Thursday, 18 September 2003 | | Thursday, 29 September 1994 | |
1192578 | | U50300PN2000PLC014889 | CUMMINS AUTO SERVICES LIMITED | PUNE | Thursday, 30 October 2003 | | Tuesday, 16 May 2000 | |
3588 | | L17124MP1989PLC008255 | MARAL OVERSEAS LIMITED | GWALIOR | Tuesday, 28 September 2004 | | Friday, 27 January 1989 | |
436 | | L29130KA1996PLC048230 | TIMKEN INDIA LIMITED | BANGALORE | Friday, 28 April 2006 | | Thursday, 12 December 1996 | |
1463468 | | U11101DL2006PTC148493 | UNITED BIOFUELS INDIA BIODIESEL PRIVATE LIMITED | DELHI | Tuesday, 09 May 2006 | | Tuesday, 09 May 2006 | |
27368 | | U29256DL2003PTC122332 | SNAP-ON TOOLS PRIVATE LIMITED | DELHI | Tuesday, 27 June 2006 | | Friday, 19 September 2003 | |
1307931 | | U80903DL2008NPL184192 | SHUGAN CHANDRA KOTHARI EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION | DELHI | Monday, 13 October 2008 | | Monday, 13 October 2008 | |
235137 | | U74999DL2009PTC191206 | NDLO BUSINESS CONSULTING PRIVATE LIMITED | DELHI | Monday, 15 June 2009 | | Monday, 15 June 2009 | |
1293 | | L24111UR1985PLC015063 | ESTER INDUSTRIES LIMITED | UTTARAKHAND | Monday, 14 February 2011 | | Monday, 04 February 1985 | |
2040 | | L17115RJ1960PLC008216 | RSWM LIMITED | JAIPUR | Wednesday, 24 July 2013 | | Monday, 17 October 1960 | |
1508657 | | U74140DL2007PTC158924 | NDLO CONSULTING PRIVATE LIMITED | DELHI | Thursday, 02 January 2014 | | Tuesday, 06 February 2007 | |
1649117 | | U80212DL2014NPL269798 | SARVPRATHAM SHIKSHA FOUNDATION | DELHI | Friday, 01 August 2014 | | Friday, 01 August 2014 | |
662695 | | U74900DL2009PTC186823 | NDLO SECRETARIAL SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED | DELHI | Monday, 25 August 2014 | | Tuesday, 20 January 2009 | |
2006004 | | U74999DL2018PTC327966 | SSSA FAMILY PRIVATE LIMITED | DELHI | Wednesday, 03 January 2018 | | Wednesday, 03 January 2018 | |
2979317 | | AAR-7074 | ASIA LAW OFFICES LLP | DELHI | Monday, 30 November 2020 | | Friday, 24 January 2020 | |
Suit Filed accounts of Rs. 25 Lacs and above Total Suit Filed : 0
# | Category | Bank / FI | Branch | Outstanding Amount In Lacs | Asset Classification | Date Of Classification | Suit |
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