As On :
Wednesday, 26 March 2025
Total Page Views : 11 Name | RAJNIKANT DEVIDAS SHROFF |
Total Companies | 26 |
First Appointment Date | Thursday, 20 December 1979 |
Last Resigned Date | |
Social Links | |
RAJNIKANT DEVIDAS SHROFF was appointed on Thursday, 20 December 1979 with UPL GLOBAL BUSINESS SERVICES LIMITED - AHMEDABAD - Total Tenure of 45 Year(s), 3 month(s), 6 day(s), and also appointed on Monday, 02 March 1992 with NIVI TRADING LIMITED - MUMBAI - Total Tenure of 33 Year(s), 0 month(s), 24 day(s), and also appointed on Wednesday, 08 April 1992 with DEMURIC HOLDINGS PVT LTD(TR CO FROM MAHARASHTRA) - AHMEDABAD - Total Tenure of 32 Year(s), 11 month(s), 18 day(s), and also appointed on Thursday, 01 October 1992 with UPL LIMITED - AHMEDABAD - Total Tenure of 32 Year(s), 5 month(s), 25 day(s), and also appointed on Monday, 02 November 1992 with UNIPHOS INTERNATIONAL LIMITED - AHMEDABAD - Total Tenure of 32 Year(s), 4 month(s), 24 day(s), and also appointed on Thursday, 05 November 1992 with ASMECHEM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY OF INDIA - MUMBAI - Total Tenure of 32 Year(s), 4 month(s), 21 day(s), and also appointed on Monday, 04 January 1993 with SANGUINE HOLDINGS PRIVATE LIMITED(TRANSFER FROM MAHA TO GUJ) - AHMEDABAD - Total Tenure of 32 Year(s), 2 month(s), 22 day(s), and also appointed on Wednesday, 12 May 1993 with VYOM FINVEST PVT LTD - AHMEDABAD - Total Tenure of 31 Year(s), 10 month(s), 14 day(s), and also appointed on Wednesday, 07 December 1994 with ENVIRO TECHNOLOGY LIMITED - AHMEDABAD - Total Tenure of 30 Year(s), 3 month(s), 19 day(s), and also appointed on Friday, 03 April 1998 with BEIL INFRASTRUCTURE LIMITED - AHMEDABAD - Total Tenure of 26 Year(s), 11 month(s), 23 day(s), and also appointed on Thursday, 31 December 1998 with SHROFF ENVIROTRAL PRIVATE LIMITED - AHMEDABAD - Total Tenure of 26 Year(s), 2 month(s), 26 day(s), and also appointed on Monday, 10 April 2000 with AGRI NET SOLUTIONS LIMITED - MUMBAI - Total Tenure of 24 Year(s), 11 month(s), 16 day(s), and also appointed on Monday, 10 April 2000 with DIGVIJAY FINLEASE LIMITED - AHMEDABAD - Total Tenure of 24 Year(s), 11 month(s), 16 day(s), and also appointed on Tuesday, 21 June 2005 with UNIPHOS SEEDS AND BIOGENETICS PRIVATE LIMITED - AHMEDABAD - Total Tenure of 19 Year(s), 9 month(s), 5 day(s), and also appointed on Wednesday, 29 June 2005 with SWAL CORPORATION LIMITED - MUMBAI - Total Tenure of 19 Year(s), 8 month(s), 27 day(s), and also appointed on Wednesday, 29 June 2005 with MULTICHEM SOLVENTS AND ALLIED PRODUCTS PVT LTD - MUMBAI - Total Tenure of 19 Year(s), 8 month(s), 27 day(s), and also appointed on Wednesday, 29 June 2005 with CORMIX CHEMICALS PRIVATE LIMITED - MUMBAI - Total Tenure of 19 Year(s), 8 month(s), 27 day(s), and also appointed on Wednesday, 28 September 2005 with CROP CARE FEDERATION OF INDIA - DELHI - Total Tenure of 19 Year(s), 5 month(s), 28 day(s), and also appointed on Monday, 22 October 2007 with UNIPHOS ENVIROTRONIC PRIVATE LIMITED - AHMEDABAD - Total Tenure of 17 Year(s), 5 month(s), 4 day(s), and also appointed on Friday, 07 December 2012 with JRF RESEARCH PRIVATE LIMITED - AHMEDABAD - Total Tenure of 12 Year(s), 3 month(s), 19 day(s), and also appointed on Saturday, 03 January 2015 with SEIKO PROPERTIES PRIVATE LIMITED - MUMBAI - Total Tenure of 10 Year(s), 2 month(s), 23 day(s), and also appointed on Thursday, 08 January 2015 with SANGUINE NOVASEEDS PRIVATE LIMITED - MUMBAI - Total Tenure of 10 Year(s), 2 month(s), 18 day(s), and also appointed on Wednesday, 01 April 2015 with UNIPHOS ENTERPRISES LIMITED - AHMEDABAD - Total Tenure of 9 Year(s), 11 month(s), 25 day(s), and also appointed on Tuesday, 25 August 2015 with ULTIMA NEWPRO LLP - AHMEDABAD - Total Tenure of 9 Year(s), 7 month(s), 1 day(s), and also appointed on Thursday, 23 March 2017 with NERKA CHEMICALS PRIVATE LIMITED - AHMEDABAD - Total Tenure of 8 Year(s), 0 month(s), 3 day(s), and also appointed on Friday, 08 January 2021 with ASSOCIATION FOR FUTURE AGRICULTURE LEADERS OF INDIA - MUMBAI - Total Tenure of 4 Year(s), 2 month(s), 18 day(s)
Born in a family of entrepreneurs in a small village in Kutch, India, passionate about chemistry and chemicals right from the beginning, Mr. Rajnikant Shroff, the CMD of UPL, pioneered Red Phosphorus manufacturing in 1969, giving an impetus to the indigenous chemical industry.
A committed visionary
Eager to do something different, Mr. Rajju Shroff has always taken the road less traveled. A graduate of Chemistry from the Bombay University, he established a novel process of manufacturing mercury salts in a plant at U.K. and was paid royalty for it by the British Company; a big achievement for any Indian way back in 1957. Soon after, he mastered red phosphorous and quickly moved on to the production of other chemicals like Aluminium Phosphide (fumigant) and Zinc Phosphide (rodenticide) for agriculture. In 1980s, UPL started launching an avalanche of crop protection products and is one of the leading total crop solutions providers in the world now.
Even today at the age of 82, Mr. Shroff’s vision and commitment to ensure food security for all has him at work 10 hours a day!
Motivated to make a real difference
Mr. Rajju Shroff believes that the prosperity of his company must be shared with not just the stakeholders but the society at large too. His wholehearted support encourages one and all at UPL to contribute to various social activities and actively work towards betterment of the people.
Looked up to by the world
His dedication to his company and his causes is unwavering. His many awards are a mere testimony of his legend. Some of them are:
• AGROW Lifetime Achievement Award in September,2015 in London
• UPL listed by the World CSR Congress as one of the top ‘50 Most Caring Companies Award 2014’
• Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award (manufacturing) in 2013
• Rolta Corporate Award 2010
• Indian Chemical Council’s Lifetime Achievement Award for the entrepreneur in 2010
• Lifetime Achievement Award by Chemexil in 2008
• President’s Gold Shield Award for indigenous development of technology in 1972. Rank | Logo | CIN | Company Name | City | Appointed Date | Resign Date | Date of Incorporation | Status |
426402 | | U93000GJ1979PLC003583 | UPL GLOBAL BUSINESS SERVICES LIMITED | AHMEDABAD | Thursday, 20 December 1979 | | Thursday, 20 December 1979 | |
42308 | | L99999MH1985PLC036391 | NIVI TRADING LIMITED | MUMBAI | Monday, 02 March 1992 | | Wednesday, 29 May 1985 | |
1967 | | U65990GJ1986PTC027312 | DEMURIC HOLDINGS PVT LTD(TR CO FROM MAHARASHTRA) | AHMEDABAD | Wednesday, 08 April 1992 | | Thursday, 28 August 1986 | |
75 | | L24219GJ1985PLC025132 | UPL LIMITED | AHMEDABAD | Thursday, 01 October 1992 | | Wednesday, 02 January 1985 | |
18997 | | U24219GJ1992PLC027317 | UNIPHOS INTERNATIONAL LIMITED | AHMEDABAD | Monday, 02 November 1992 | | Friday, 24 July 1992 | |
834557 | | U91110MH1990NPL057237 | ASMECHEM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY OF INDIA | MUMBAI | Thursday, 05 November 1992 | | Thursday, 12 July 1990 | |
656533 | | U67120GJ1986PTC023998 | SANGUINE HOLDINGS PRIVATE LIMITED(TRANSFER FROM MAHA TO GUJ) | AHMEDABAD | Monday, 04 January 1993 | | Thursday, 28 August 1986 | |
370029 | | U65910GJ1983PTC027313 | VYOM FINVEST PVT LTD | AHMEDABAD | Wednesday, 12 May 1993 | | Tuesday, 19 April 1983 | |
49667 | | U72200GJ1994PLC023786 | ENVIRO TECHNOLOGY LIMITED | AHMEDABAD | Wednesday, 07 December 1994 | | Wednesday, 07 December 1994 | |
63082 | | U45300GJ1997PLC032696 | BEIL INFRASTRUCTURE LIMITED | AHMEDABAD | Friday, 03 April 1998 | | Monday, 21 July 1997 | |
915773 | | U29309GJ1998PTC035241 | SHROFF ENVIROTRAL PRIVATE LIMITED | AHMEDABAD | Thursday, 31 December 1998 | | Thursday, 31 December 1998 | |
53050 | | U99999MH2000PLC134747 | AGRI NET SOLUTIONS LIMITED | MUMBAI | Monday, 10 April 2000 | | Monday, 10 April 2000 | |
887671 | | U99999GJ1992PLC017546 | DIGVIJAY FINLEASE LIMITED | AHMEDABAD | Monday, 10 April 2000 | | Friday, 01 May 1992 | |
1408760 | | U01110GJ2005PTC046287 | UNIPHOS SEEDS AND BIOGENETICS PRIVATE LIMITED | AHMEDABAD | Tuesday, 21 June 2005 | | Tuesday, 21 June 2005 | |
133457 | | U24110MH1979PLC136661 | SWAL CORPORATION LIMITED | MUMBAI | Wednesday, 29 June 2005 | | Friday, 12 October 1979 | |
636160 | | U24110MH1979PTC020911 | MULTICHEM SOLVENTS AND ALLIED PRODUCTS PVT LTD | MUMBAI | Wednesday, 29 June 2005 | | Thursday, 11 January 1979 | |
656574 | | U24110MH1981PTC023884 | CORMIX CHEMICALS PRIVATE LIMITED | MUMBAI | Wednesday, 29 June 2005 | | Thursday, 12 February 1981 | |
478845 | | U24211DL1970NPL005200 | CROP CARE FEDERATION OF INDIA | DELHI | Wednesday, 28 September 2005 | | Friday, 16 January 1970 | |
12877 | | U29297GJ2007PTC052025 | UNIPHOS ENVIROTRONIC PRIVATE LIMITED | AHMEDABAD | Monday, 22 October 2007 | | Monday, 22 October 2007 | |
1149321 | | U73100GJ2012PTC072922 | JRF RESEARCH PRIVATE LIMITED | AHMEDABAD | Friday, 07 December 2012 | | Friday, 07 December 2012 | |
Suit Filed accounts of Rs. 25 Lacs and above Total Suit Filed : 0
# | Category | Bank / FI | Branch | Outstanding Amount In Lacs | Asset Classification | Date Of Classification | Suit |
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