As On :
Sunday, 23 February 2025
Total Page Views : 18 Name | RAMAN KUMAR SHARMA |
Total Companies | 29 |
First Appointment Date | Monday, 04 April 1988 |
Last Resigned Date | |
Social Links | |
RAMAN KUMAR SHARMA was appointed on Monday, 04 April 1988 with SHUCHI BUILDERS AND PROMOTERS PRIVATE LIMITED - DELHI - Total Tenure of 36 Year(s), 10 month(s), 19 day(s), and also appointed on Thursday, 24 October 1991 with MCKINSEY AND CO CONSULTANTS PRIVATE LIMITED - DELHI - Total Tenure of 33 Year(s), 3 month(s), 30 day(s), and also appointed on Thursday, 01 August 1996 with ROCKY ESTATES PRIVATE LIMITED - DELHI - Total Tenure of 28 Year(s), 6 month(s), 22 day(s), and also appointed on Monday, 18 January 1999 with FLINT EXPORTS PRIVATE LIMITED - DELHI - Total Tenure of 26 Year(s), 1 month(s), 5 day(s), and also appointed on Monday, 01 July 2002 with BACARDI INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED - DELHI - Total Tenure of 22 Year(s), 7 month(s), 22 day(s), and also appointed on Tuesday, 22 June 2004 with FISHER DYAMICS AUTOMOTIVE INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED - HYDERABAD - Total Tenure of 20 Year(s), 8 month(s), 1 day(s), and also appointed on Tuesday, 20 September 2005 with GOLDMAN AGENT PVT.LTD. - DELHI - Total Tenure of 19 Year(s), 5 month(s), 3 day(s), and also appointed on Friday, 23 June 2006 with EMINDOBIZ EMERGING FINANCE AND STRATEGY ADVISORY INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED - DELHI - Total Tenure of 18 Year(s), 8 month(s), 0 day(s), and also appointed on Monday, 17 July 2006 with TERRA FIRMA BUILDERS PRIVATE LIMITED - DELHI - Total Tenure of 18 Year(s), 7 month(s), 6 day(s), and also appointed on Friday, 01 September 2006 with BEST LOCATION PROPERTIES PRIVATE LIMITED - DELHI - Total Tenure of 18 Year(s), 5 month(s), 22 day(s), and also appointed on Thursday, 09 November 2006 with STAR SPORTS INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED - MUMBAI - Total Tenure of 18 Year(s), 3 month(s), 14 day(s), and also appointed on Thursday, 09 November 2006 with TERRA NOVA REAL ESTATE GOA PRIVATE LIMITED - - Total Tenure of 18 Year(s), 3 month(s), 14 day(s), and also appointed on Monday, 30 April 2007 with TN LNG AND POWER COMPANY PRIVATE LIMITED - CHENNAI - Total Tenure of 17 Year(s), 9 month(s), 23 day(s), and also appointed on Monday, 30 April 2007 with SOUTHINDIA NATURAL GAS MARKETING COMPANY PRIVATE LIMITED - CHENNAI - Total Tenure of 17 Year(s), 9 month(s), 23 day(s), and also appointed on Monday, 13 August 2007 with BCRE INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED - DELHI - Total Tenure of 17 Year(s), 6 month(s), 10 day(s), and also appointed on Friday, 27 June 2008 with SHIELD PROPERTIES PRIVATE LIMITED - DELHI - Total Tenure of 16 Year(s), 7 month(s), 26 day(s), and also appointed on Friday, 01 August 2008 with XENOSYS INSTRUMENTS PRIVATE LIMITED - DELHI - Total Tenure of 16 Year(s), 6 month(s), 22 day(s), and also appointed on Monday, 15 September 2008 with AMBAAR PROPERTIES PRIVATE LIMITED - DELHI - Total Tenure of 16 Year(s), 5 month(s), 8 day(s), and also appointed on Tuesday, 07 October 2008 with B2 ADVISORY SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED - DELHI - Total Tenure of 16 Year(s), 4 month(s), 16 day(s), and also appointed on Monday, 15 December 2008 with FIS GLOBAL BUSINESS SOLUTIONS INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED - DELHI - Total Tenure of 16 Year(s), 2 month(s), 8 day(s), and also appointed on Wednesday, 01 April 2009 with KAUSHALYA SPINNERS PRIVATE LIMITED - DELHI - Total Tenure of 15 Year(s), 10 month(s), 22 day(s), and also appointed on Saturday, 01 May 2010 with ELEVATE PROPERTIES PRIVATE LIMITED - DELHI - Total Tenure of 14 Year(s), 9 month(s), 22 day(s), and also appointed on Friday, 16 July 2010 with SCORPIO CORPORATE ADVISORS LLP - DELHI - Total Tenure of 14 Year(s), 7 month(s), 7 day(s), and also appointed on Monday, 08 June 2015 with ELEVATE PROPERTIES LLP - DELHI - Total Tenure of 9 Year(s), 8 month(s), 15 day(s), and also appointed on Friday, 25 November 2016 with GRAND SLAM TENNIS FOUNDATION - DELHI - Total Tenure of 8 Year(s), 2 month(s), 28 day(s), and also appointed on Thursday, 12 October 2017 with AXIS LASER TECHNIQUES PRIVATE LIMITED - DELHI - Total Tenure of 7 Year(s), 4 month(s), 11 day(s), and also appointed on Thursday, 12 October 2017 with FOAMATIVE TOYS PRIVATE LIMITED. - DELHI - Total Tenure of 7 Year(s), 4 month(s), 11 day(s), and also appointed on Friday, 29 June 2018 with SMILE TRAIN INDIA - DELHI - Total Tenure of 6 Year(s), 7 month(s), 24 day(s), and also appointed on Tuesday, 05 July 2022 with A4ID FOUNDATION - DELHI - Total Tenure of 2 Year(s), 7 month(s), 18 day(s)
Rank | Logo | CIN | Company Name | City | Appointed Date | Resign Date | Date of Incorporation | Status |
774935 | | U74899DL1988PTC031187 | SHUCHI BUILDERS AND PROMOTERS PRIVATE LIMITED | DELHI | Monday, 04 April 1988 | | Monday, 04 April 1988 | |
869321 | | U74899DL1991PTC046149 | MCKINSEY AND CO CONSULTANTS PRIVATE LIMITED | DELHI | Thursday, 24 October 1991 | | Thursday, 24 October 1991 | |
796323 | | U74899DL1994PTC060636 | ROCKY ESTATES PRIVATE LIMITED | DELHI | Thursday, 01 August 1996 | | Tuesday, 02 August 1994 | |
849982 | | U18109DL1996PTC080429 | FLINT EXPORTS PRIVATE LIMITED | DELHI | Monday, 18 January 1999 | | Wednesday, 17 July 1996 | |
1942 | | U15549DL1996PTC083780 | BACARDI INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED | DELHI | Monday, 01 July 2002 | | Wednesday, 11 December 1996 | |
1355799 | | U34300TG2004PTC057947 | FISHER DYAMICS AUTOMOTIVE INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED | HYDERABAD | Tuesday, 22 June 2004 | | Tuesday, 22 June 2004 | |
5319 | | U51909DL1996PTC256061 | GOLDMAN AGENT PVT.LTD. | DELHI | Tuesday, 20 September 2005 | | Thursday, 01 August 1996 | |
1470370 | | U74140DL2006PTC150030 | EMINDOBIZ EMERGING FINANCE AND STRATEGY ADVISORY INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED | DELHI | Friday, 23 June 2006 | | Friday, 23 June 2006 | |
1474610 | | U70109DL2006PTC151056 | TERRA FIRMA BUILDERS PRIVATE LIMITED | DELHI | Monday, 17 July 2006 | | Monday, 17 July 2006 | |
1163057 | | U45201DL2005PTC132178 | BEST LOCATION PROPERTIES PRIVATE LIMITED | DELHI | Friday, 01 September 2006 | | Tuesday, 18 January 2005 | |
1007727 | | U74899MH1995PTC244794 | STAR SPORTS INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED | MUMBAI | Thursday, 09 November 2006 | | Tuesday, 01 August 1995 | |
638946 | | U70101GA2006PTC004851 | TERRA NOVA REAL ESTATE GOA PRIVATE LIMITED | | Thursday, 09 November 2006 | | Friday, 06 October 2006 | |
1164316 | | U45207TN1999PTC043009 | TN LNG AND POWER COMPANY PRIVATE LIMITED | CHENNAI | Monday, 30 April 2007 | | Thursday, 12 August 1999 | |
1209819 | | U23201TN2000PTC045852 | SOUTHINDIA NATURAL GAS MARKETING COMPANY PRIVATE LIMITED | CHENNAI | Monday, 30 April 2007 | | Wednesday, 04 October 2000 | |
184514 | | U45400DL2007PTC166952 | BCRE INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED | DELHI | Monday, 13 August 2007 | | Monday, 13 August 2007 | |
1296420 | | U45200DL2008PTC180230 | SHIELD PROPERTIES PRIVATE LIMITED | DELHI | Friday, 27 June 2008 | | Friday, 27 June 2008 | |
1616152 | | U74120DL2008PTC181631 | XENOSYS INSTRUMENTS PRIVATE LIMITED | DELHI | Friday, 01 August 2008 | | Friday, 01 August 2008 | |
1305142 | | U45400DL2008PTC183279 | AMBAAR PROPERTIES PRIVATE LIMITED | DELHI | Monday, 15 September 2008 | | Monday, 15 September 2008 | |
1307342 | | U74140DL2008PTC184046 | B2 ADVISORY SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED | DELHI | Tuesday, 07 October 2008 | | Tuesday, 07 October 2008 | |
9880 | | U72900DL1997PTC088532 | FIS GLOBAL BUSINESS SOLUTIONS INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED | DELHI | Monday, 15 December 2008 | | Monday, 14 July 1997 | |
Suit Filed accounts of Rs. 25 Lacs and above Total Suit Filed : 0
# | Category | Bank / FI | Branch | Outstanding Amount In Lacs | Asset Classification | Date Of Classification | Suit |
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